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Old 2008-01-14, 06:47 PM   #8
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Great event.

A little wet from rain the night before on the morning of day 1 which is always good to keep the students a little humble.

As usual recently, I was in charge of the advanced students in class and on track. This time I showed my video immediately after the session so they could see what they were doing. This went over real well and the improvement from the first session in the dry to the first of the afternoon day 2 is obvious.

A couple new S5s and '08 TTs. 4 Subarus including 3 instructors and Cale in his Lgt.

Cale just can't stop smiling... At the banquet Sat. he said it had been the best day of his life. By Sunday he had a new best day with a close second.

Laguna Seca is coming up in March 1-2! I'll post details in another thread. That event will sell out quickly, so register early if you want to go. I think I can get a deal for noobs again.
I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...
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