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Old 2008-01-18, 02:45 PM   #4
A1337STI's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Reno, NV
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Class: AS / CRS PerfStock
"pedal on the right"

in 07 , If you prepared a car to Autocross Stock rules the car was automatically okay in club Trials Showroom Stock. That's what i ran in last year. I also could not find specific rules on Club Trials.

as per autocross rules on wheels they have to be the same width, radius and +/- 1/4" for offset. you can do a cat back exhaust, front sway bar, and change your dampners provided they fit a large number of criteria (same spring perch location as stock, diameter increase is limited to , i forget what, they can be adjustable, you can only leave 1 adjustment working (ie if they are 2 way you have to snap off, saw off, epoxy , weld the other adjustment so it can't be adjusted ... weird rules.... ))

Club Trials Rule !!!
Fighting uphill battles, one bullet at a time!

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