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Old 2008-02-26, 08:25 PM   #29
Bob Danger
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
What Nick said.

SCCA National is requiring that all participants be SCCA members due to insurance reasons starting this season. So, instead of making everyone sign up, they're doing a "weekend membership" program that costs $15 for two days of SCCA membership. Since everyone's a member now, Reno SCCA will no longer be charging a non-member rate for the event. So, it's actually $5 cheaper for running a weekend as a non-member than it was before, but it's $5 more if you run just one day on a weekend.
So it's going to cost me $40 to run one day instead of $35, that's not so bad. That is an excellent set up for people that can run both days. How are the logistics of this going to affect registration?
A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi.
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