Originally Posted by Highdesertsuby
Thats cool, I definitly appreciate it. I probably won't be able to make it to any of the meets except the one in the second week of april ( i have a schedule conflict on thursday nights) and anytime my previous committment gets canceled. I'm trying to get out to the autoX on the 5th though...
No prob, I understand about schedule conflicts for sure on Thursdays, I think we all do, we all have something else to do a lot of the time. I have to meet the boys for the gym every weekday including Thursday, cook dinner, blah blah blah, or something never fails to come up and ruin plans made. I'm finally making it again this week though. Do you live in Reno? Most nights after work and the gym Mon-Fri I could possibly meet you if you have time. Weekends are out though more times than not. Just let me know.