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Old 2008-04-08, 07:07 PM   #126
A1337STI's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Reno, NV
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Car: Impreza and an Impreza
Class: AS / CRS PerfStock
"pedal on the right"

Someone has a red one and was driving it two weeks ago. march 31st i do believe. I was driving up mt rose , got up past the peek. you have a right hander around the peek. a slight jog left, passing zone 1, a slight increase in the grade of the road and a jog right than left, passing zone 2 . then back to double yellow. a bit of a down hill (think there's 3 more passing zones)

Well behind passing zone 4 and the final one i saw some UBER New looking red car, pulled over on the side of the road. but pulled against the snow bank in a way he would have to back out to leave. like he was off snow shoeing or what ever. well about 2-3 seconds later that same car is passing me and 6 or 7 other cars in Double yellow zone. with an oncoming car just in sight. WTF Jebus Christ dude!!! I got a very clear look at a Nissan GT-R badge on the right side of his rear end. yep it's a GT-R allright. when we got to the last passing zone he pulled over on the side of the road and parks. I was tempted to pull over, tell him he's an asshat and get back on my way. but with an hour commute i just want to get home.

It's probably the owner of a dealership or something... anywho
Fighting uphill battles, one bullet at a time!

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