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Old 2004-02-09, 09:26 AM   #1
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Default Kart Racing - I may have fallen in love

So I went out to the kart-racing yesterday. I had so much fun out there I have now considered picking up a kart this summer and participating in those events also.

We used Roy's (Guy with the Jetta that came to last meet) 100cc kart and just railed it around the course. Nice part was the track was almost completly empty minus a few other karts. On Roy's last run, unfortunatly the piston blew in the engine, so we had to end our day of racing, but got to stay and watch some other karts race.

I drove home with Colin with the biggest grins on our faces. So now I am keeping my eye out for a 80cc or 125cc shifter karts.
Captain Murphy: I dub thee Sir Phobos, Knight of Mars, beater of ass. Be a hitter, babe.
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