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Old 2008-06-06, 11:19 AM   #1
(40 percent vodka)
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Default I think les Schwab put a boo boo on my wheels.

I went to les schwab this morning to have nails/screws taken out of 2 of my tires. I have been picking them up a lot lately because of construction by my house. I called a few days ago and they said "bring it on in, we fix those for free" so I said cool. Anyways, they fixed them and then said "thats $24." so I said ok and assumed that the guy on the phone was saying that new customers get flats fixed for free. I had been there before so I figured I had to pay. I don't even care about that.

So I get home and start to wash my car. As I clean my wheels I noticed that there has been a chunk taken out of each of the 2 wheels that they fixed. The indentation is roughly 1/2" on each wheel and is located on the lip. I know for a fact that the wheels were not like that before I took them in. I assume I can't do anything since I already left the place but here are the pics anyways. I am posting them so Cory or anyone else who has mounted tires can see if this is something that les schwab would have done.

Front wheel: Also notice there is a mark that is not on the lip but is the same 1/2" in size, and very close in location to where the mark on the lip is.

Rear wheel:

"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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