Originally Posted by Dewmudgeon
definitely wouldn't be a bad idea...
Cool, loan me $600 to cover the cost of getting them made and I'll get you a whole stack. Then show up to every meet for the next 2 years with a laptop and an inventory spreadsheet to manage selling them and get your $600 back.
I think you guys underestimate the work involved. I want stickers too, but I'm not giving out the club's intellectual property to someone to go get them made... I'm only going to deal directly with the sticker maker myself so I have a guarantee on the quality of the stickers and a legal contract between SECCS and the sticker shop (currently, only MattR and I are legally representatives of the not-for-profit company known as SECCS). Also, I'm not going to float the cost for them out of pocket (I've done it before... if I'm going to spend that kind of money again, I'm just going to buy my own cutter), and I don't have the time to manage a bunch of pre-orders to collect money up front, or the time to do the eventual inventory tracking after they're made.
As soon as someone that comes to all the meets on a regular basis steps up to handle the inventory issues, all the wishing and complaining in the world isn't going to procure stickers.