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Old 2004-02-12, 02:16 PM   #14
The Doink
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Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through

Originally Posted by ArthurS
Welcome zpeed. I plan on doing both. My ultimate goal is to have a car dedicated to track and a kart for track racing along with a quick daily driver. Now I just need to trade in my WRx for something faster, find a 1987 rx-7 turbo II for the track, and a nice 125cc shifter kart for the kart racing.
Not to rain on your parade, but your WRX (or another one w/ a 5-speed ) would be cheaper to build for the track than a Turbo-II unless you plan on dropping a Chevy 350 in the RX-7. Them rotors are expensive, especially in high horsepower race trim!! A turbo EJ20 will put out more power for cheaper in the long run.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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