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Old 2008-09-17, 03:33 PM   #6
The Doink
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
Not at all. I have not yet had the pleasure of using any of your products. I just have a habbit of blowing the preturbo exhaust gaskets out.
You must have something wrong down there.

I had a non-flex jointed Vishnu up-pipe back in the day that used to blow the header/UP gasket all the damn time. Finally I had Vishnu trade me for one of their flex up-pipes when they came out, and no more leaks, even after re-using the gasket several times. It was great, until the flex joint eventually melted.

Now, I've got a Perrin non-flex up-pipe and no leaks. My guess is something in your setup isn't aligning correctly like the problem I had w/ my Vishnu non-flex up-pipe. You shouldn't be eating gaskets for breakfast.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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