Thread: WTB Springs
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Old 2008-10-02, 01:53 PM   #21
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Real Name: Nick P
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Thanks. So what do you guys think...Paul@DBTuned has a set of GF210 springs from an 05 STi (Tanabe has the same springs for 05-07 STi's and WRX's.) The breakdown on these is as follows

Spring Rates 5.8kg/mm Front / 4.4kg/mm Rear
Lowers the car 1.0in Front / 0.5in Rear

That seems like a really high spring rate for WRX struts...The other option would be to get the 2004 model's which are like this

Spring Rates 4.3kg/mm Front / 4.0kg/mm Rear
Lowers the car 1.3in Front / 1in Rear

So, the question is do I get the 2004's and run them until the struts die naturally circa 60-80k or do I get the 2005 STi ones and blow my struts faster and replace them like I will probably have to in 30k or so anyway? The reasoning being that I will have the stiffer STi springs when I have to replace my struts.
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