Thread: WTB Springs
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Old 2008-10-02, 04:14 PM   #27
The Doink
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Originally Posted by WRX06TR View Post
I see the logic, but since when do Flex's cost under $1600
Well IIRC, the MSRP was like $1400 back when they came out with them for the WRX.

My point is that if you're spending $500 for struts, and $300 on springs, you're getting into coilover price ranges. People used to be able to pick up a set of Flex's in the $1200 range. I believe the Megan Racing coilovers are decent and under $1000 today.

My other point is that slapping lowering springs on the car usually make it look better, but hurt ride quality. So I wouldn't bother doing the springs unless you can do either springs soft enough for the stock dampers, or get proper dampers for the spring rate you're getting... thus getting back to the whole AGX+Springs costing about the same as coilovers.

It all boils down to what you're looking for. If you're looking for performance at the cost of comfort, then spend the extra money on some coilovers. If you care about comfort over all-out performance, save a few bucks and get some AGX's and springs... they'll handle great, and be a ton more comfortable than the higher spring rates that coilovers have, plus you'll have $200 in your pocket. If all you care about is lowering the car (which isn't the case) just drop $200 on springs and drive around in a bouncy car.
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