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Old 2008-10-28, 09:07 PM   #64
The Doink
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The way out is through

Originally Posted by ScottyS View Post
Heh, it's still kinda ghetto until I get all fancy braided lines and metal fittings.

Scott, where are you guys getting those oil filter bypass kits to make pressure/temp fitting points? Also, where did you source all your nice hoses and fittings?
I'm running a Canton filter relocation kit and Fluidyne oil cooler with Earl's (or the cheaper Summit house brand) fittings on my car now, but my gauges are not installed in the oil cooler plumbing anymore. I installed the oil pressure sensor in the top rear 1/8bspt galley plug of the driver's side head, and the temp sensor in a drilled/tapped plug on the top of the block.

In the past before I was running an oil cooler, I used a relatively cheap PermaCool oil cooler sandwich adapter from Summit that I drilled out so it was no longer a cooler adapter and instead acted like a sensor galley for the 1/8" NPT Autometer senders:

I believe Dean is still using this setup on his car (or maybe he sold it with his WRX). I believe there are several kits for the EJ motors these days that include these sorts of sandwich adapters for gauge sensors, so you don't have to go the DIY route with all the drilling if you don't want to, but the PermaCool adapters are super cheap IIRC.

As far as the hoses, pretty much everything "nice" looking is part of the Perrin Intercooler kit, it's just all been recently powdercoated so it looks nice. My radiator hoses are Samco, and the intake is a KSTech deal that Knucklesplitter put together for me. So, I didn't really source any special hoses or anything, they all came with the various kits that are on the car. I would talk to Knucklesplitter, he should be able to source you the custom stuff you might need since he does that for his intake kits.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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