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Old 2008-11-05, 10:18 AM   #997
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"Kids are ruining autocross."

I'm on break at work, but I feel compelled to summarize my view on the current releases - mostly because everyone's just talking about Fallout 3 and LBP, and nobody's said anything about a few of the other big titles.

Ok, Fallout 3. Great game, yadda yadda. Everyone's playing it, so everyone knows how good it is. Although I do think there's a teensy bit too much gore in VATS combat. Decapitations get old after the 100th time.

Little Big Planet. . . I actually haven't played it. I passed it up so I could buy a copy of Bioshock for PS3 instead. I love Bioshock, so I don't regret the choice. I may request LBP for xmas, though.

Fable II. The actual title of this game should be something like, "The Real Fable 1." It's a good game, but it's so similar to the original in every way that it comes off feeling sub-standard when compared to other current-gen titles, particularly in terms of visuals. It's odd. I like the game because it's Fable, but compared to other new titles it's best described as, "meh, this is what they said the first one would be." It feels old already.

Tomb Raider Underworld (demo). Prompted me to cancel my reservation. I really liked Legend, but this feels like an odd step backwards. I may still pick it up when the price drops.

Mirror's Edge (demo). Three words: O. M. G. If they can maintain the quality of gameplay, level design, and presentation all the way through, this may actually rival MGS4 for my choice of game of the year.

And this one's old news, but I also picked up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on PS3. Wow, talk about production values. Great gameplay and cinematics, unlockable bonus videos and artwork, and extra gameplay tweaks for re-plays. Naughty Dog really knows how to give you the most for your $60.
Small red text that looks curious at first glance but is ultimately inconsequential

Last edited by M3n2c3; 2008-11-05 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Grammar is a harsh mistress
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