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Old 2008-11-12, 12:04 AM   #1006
Bob Danger
Tape Terrorist
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Warning: Prolonged eye contact may cause insanity

I was walking up a hill, in the southeast corner of the map when I see a red bleep on my compass, I see a molerat cress the top of the hill and quickly pull out my sword. As soon as I exit the pipboy I see this really large animal in the air come crashing down on this molerat. I instantly hit B, and as the pipboy screen is coming up I see this 10ft tall werewolf leaping through the air at me. I pull out my combat shotgun and instantly go into VATS. Two shots right to the face, nothing, this damn thing is knocking the shit out of me. I try to back up, rocks. I pull up the pipboy, Mini Nuke that jerk right in the face as he's slapping me around. Needless to say we both where killed.

What the hell.
A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi.

Last edited by Bob Danger; 2008-11-12 at 12:19 AM.
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