SCCA All Club Training Day(Fire School) Sat. @ Infineon
Anybody going?
Learn timing and scoring, flagging and communications, registration...
Oh, did I mention getting to put out fires with fire extinguishers. Yep, you get to do it.
Registration for all attendees will start at 8AM in the downstairs Media Center at Infineon Raceway (i.e., the old Drivers Lounge at Sears Point). We will not be rotating from one session to another as in previous years, but expect most people will be concentrating with one crew. New attendees have the option of choosing one crew or may quietly move from group to group, but will not have new training directed their way.
Flagging and Communications along with Emergency will start their training at 9AM in the Drivers Lounge.
Pit Fire will have their first burn starting around 9AM on the hill. Worker Trans will provide transportation from the Media Center to the burn area about every 30 minutes.
Registration will start their training session in a room TBD at 10AM.
The seminar is scheduled to conclude by 2:00pm but I would expect it will run over until 3:00pm. Lunch is provided - no charge for seminar attendees.
If you wish to drive down Fri and need a motel in the vicinity, the Inn Marin is an SCCA sponsor and offers the best rates for a first rate motel. The reservations phone number is 800 652-6565. An alternative is the Motel 6 on Fairgrounds Dr. in Vallejo.
Dave is checking on applications for regional Officials license and log so you can track events worked. You will receive one days credit toward your license for attending the seminar. You must be an SCCA member to obtain a Race Officials license, however, there is no charge for the license. It does entitle you to additional insurance so is worth applying for.
I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...