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Old 2008-12-15, 09:00 PM   #1
Real Name: Nat S
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Location: Reno, NV USA
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Default Anybody plan to run Lemon 24 Hr at RFR?

I read that in the car&driver magazine and now it will come to RFR. May 23-24 2009. Should be fun to camp out and see them.

Anybody plan to run this race? I would love to be a co pilot. Here is what post on RFR site.

>"Each LeMons race is for cars purchased, fixed up, and track-prepped for a total of $500 dollars or >less. But before reaching the grid, you'll have to survive trials like the Personal-Injury-Lawyer
>Anti-Slalom, the Marxist-Valet Parking Challenge, and the Wide Open Throttle Rodthrowapalooza. >Twelve hours into the race, the car voted People’s Choice is called in and awarded a cash prize; >simultaneously, the car voted People’s Curse is called in and summarily destroyed. At the end of 24 >hours, a gala awards ceremony plies the survivors with trophies, plaques, and four-figure purses in >canvas bags full of nickels. What's not to like?
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