All of these are open to all car brands. Thunderhill is about an hour North of Sac. on I-5 in Willows, CA.
Friday is
T.E.A.M. $160 for the day includes lunch.
Sat.-Sun. is
Audi Club $450 for 2 days + hot lunches, Friday reception food, Saturday banquet and event memento (usually a long sleeve shirt of some form). (Audi Club Membership is $44/year and is required but good for all events. Laguna Seca is Feb.!!!)
Thunderhill Raceway Park is probably one of the best tracks on the West coast to learn at for all levels: Novice to advanced drivers. There is plenty of run off, wide surface, elevation changes, etc... January at Thunderhill is a good chance for rain which is great to learn to drive your AWD...
So, what are the differences between the two groups, and why are the prices so different...
TEAM is a great group, and tries to get you the most track time for the least money... One day weekday events are less expensive. Instructors are available for novices and other groups on request for in car instruction and things are just a bit less structured and the advanced group can get a little sketchy with open passing and impatient drivers. They provide drinks and lunch at this event.
The Audi club is also a great group and is more focused on instruction and ongoing improvement for all levels. 2-Day weekend events are more expensive. Every student gets an in-car instructor and classroom instruction. Almost all of these instructors are very experienced with AWD and thus Subaru friendly! Passing is strictly controlled in all run groups. Novices also do car control exercises the first morning in the paddock. They include food except for breakfast from the time you arrive Friday until you leave Sunday. Reception munchies, 2 hot lunches, and a Saturday Banquet at the local steak house.
I am an instructor for TEAM, and A Chief instructor for the Audi club and will be teaching the intermediate and advanced group class sessions.
I strongly recommend this track and both of these events...
Feel free to contact me with any questions.