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Old 2009-01-22, 10:52 AM   #69
The Doink
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Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey View Post
What. the fuck. is wrong with F1? The aero on these cars looks retarded. I mean seriously bad.

There are other ways to manipulate lift production of a wing than reducing its span.
My guess is that they were looking to compromise between lower downforce and still having enough pitch & surface area on the wing for a large sponsor sticker... as the rear wing is really the biggest/best location for the primary sponsor's sticker.

Plus, I think they wanted an air path over the center of the car to give the following car more air... which is why the rear wing is so high, and the front wing has no pitch in the center of the car.

As ugly as the new rear wing is, it's still *way* better than the original proposal which was two small wings behind each rear tire and nothing in the middle.

Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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