I got written up for 125 in a 65 like 5 years ago when my car was stock. It was an open empty freeway with no onramps/offramps so I decided to take my chances and see how fast my newish car was. There was a speed trap on the other side of the freeway with a CHP Crown Vic and Camaro hanging out in some trees. They came screaming across the median, sideways with rooster tails of mud. I pulled over so fast my stock pads were smoking. The Camaro actually had to swerve around me to avoid hitting me...or maybe he just wanted to "cage me in". They pulled their guns on me and looked like they were ready to open fire. The first thing the cop said, (after, "throw me your keys!!!") was "Why would you do that!!!!!??". Of course I had no answer for him. When I told them I was heading to Grandma's they mellowed out and decided to only write me a ticket.
I think the judge had me pay ~$400 and my insurance was sky high until I moved to NV, which somehow expunged my record.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
Last edited by cody; 2009-02-06 at 09:07 AM.