2009-02-25, 09:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Reno
Posts: 9,445
Car: '93/'01 GF6, mostly red
Class: 19 FP
Originally Posted by pike
oooooooohhh.. herro so nice of you to join forum..... welcome I am new to forum also.... maybe we meet sometime and drive around town you know cruise or something????? I rike a 04 silver sti's on fp powa... my muffstain will smoke it though its a v6..... jk but seriously no replacement for displacement...... hahaha  theres my dyno to prove it.... i walk subarus all day long drag racing... autox, solo II's, road course midnight toyko drift sesh you name it..... hahahaha jk
omg your asian???
FWD is the new AWD