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Old 2009-03-26, 10:38 AM   #12
The Doink
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba View Post
They do the same thing we do, only a few hours later and afterwards they street race instead of eat. People don't have to eat at Tamarack, people don't have to street race down there. BESIDES, they meet up at Best Buy, and go race somewhere else. Since when do we frown upon loitering? I'll get off your lawn old man.

It is kind of a guilt by association thing though. But if you aren't doing anything illegal (besides bullshitting cars in a parking lot...) fuck it.

Also, anyone who has been around here long enough to have a SECCS sticker, knows how we all feel about street racing.
I just get the feeling that if you've got 60 street racer cars in a parking lot at 11pm, you're going to be risking trouble with the law regardless of whether or not you go off to the street races afterwords. Never mind the BS that can go down w/ that set between the different "crews" and their egos.

It's significantly different than the 5 or 10 folks that show up at 6pm for friendly bullshitting and dinner at our meets.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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