Originally Posted by SoCal LS-L
I can say firsthand that people race around there (Meadowwood area) every fri and sat night..... especially in the summer with the windows open at night. Anyone around the area of the old Home Gardens and the new Moana leg can attest that after 12am people are out there redlining their hondas. Yay them and their eventual impound and license suspension. 
Yup, when i go to my dad's over on rio poco off of mcceran, i can hear them EVERY god damn weekend while im laying in bed or watching tv. God damn honda's keeping me awake. They're loud as hell, but i have no clue where they are. But it's funny to hear them doing a race, then hearing sirens. haha

It make's me laugh a little.
no offense to honda's. haha. only cuz i know andy has one.