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Old 2009-03-31, 01:43 PM   #1
The Doink
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The way out is through
Default What are the chances I'll get paid?

So, around 6 months back, I had a credit card number stolen and used for a bunch of crap, from $800+ at Victoria's Secret, to 3 cell phone bills paid off, to a Pizza Hut pizza. BofA was nice enough to notice the sudden odd charges and put a hold on my card and contact me about it. When I talked to them, they immediately refunded the few charges that had gone through... so no big deal.

Then a week or so later, I get a call from the Long Beach PD. Apparently they picked up some guy who had a little black book on him with my name, address, credit card number, phone number, and card security code in it (as well as the same info for a bunch of other people). The LBCPD officer called my number out of the book and took my statement and asked if I wanted to press charges (um, duh! Of course I do!).

Anyway, I got a notice 2 months back or so that the guy was on trial and that I might be subpoenaed (but it never happened). Then more recently, I got a notice that homey got conviceted of the crime, sentenced to 3 years probation, and punitive damages. Turns out Mr. card theif owes me $1900 in damages according to the state of California! The poor bastard has to have his wages garnished or something and the money will be put into the CA treasury until a "releasable" amount is available to cut me a check with...

So, what do you guys think the chances are I'll ever see that $1900? Hell, even if the guy pays it... what keeps the CA treasury from just using it to try to balance their deficit? It would certainly be nice to get almost $2000 in my pocket... but I wonder how much he owes the credit card company that he actually stole from (I put my credit card contact in touch w/ the detective so they could share info on the charges that were made)? Or how much more does he owe for all the other people in that black book? Something tells me not to hold my breath.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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