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Old 2009-03-31, 02:16 PM   #5
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Master Slurper.

I hope the wages they garnish aren't his 60 cents a day he gets in prison, if he even will be working in prison. Would they have to wait til he has a job again?

That's fuckin scary tho. It's great that B of A called you.

Not too long ago I got a call from my bank asking if I spent $380 to buy tires. I did buy them of course, but what baffles me is why didn't they call and ask the last 2 times I ordered from Tirerack? And why didn't they call me when I spent $600 on a pistol? And why didn't they call me when I spent $400 to get my hood painted? I'm curious as to what kind of purchases they watch, or what the criteria is for calling people.
"Why do chicks tell you to call and then not gay." "Cuz girls are fags I dunno"
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