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Old 2009-04-05, 12:46 PM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 39
Car: 2002 WRX Sedan

Originally Posted by GusGus91 View Post
holy jesus. why did they go up? ticket for doing 40+ over? haha
We've been having issues with the insurance company about who is insured on what vehicle, who is registered on which vehicle, etc... We have 3 drivers and 5 vehicles, so I [i]was[i] listed as primary driver on our oldest vehicle (1990 Toyota 4runner, liability only). Then they suspended registration on my Subaru because it's registered to me, but the primary is my dad. This confuses me because my Jeep is also registered to me, but I am not the primary. Anyway, we asked them wtf was up, and they said, "okay, everything's okay now!" We will go have a chat with them.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice
Can you tell exactly where the leak is coming from? Did you forget to plug the hole in the side of the up? How did you tighten the bolts?
Pretty sure it's coming from the UP - turbo connection. My UP wasn't threaded for studs, so I tried to use bolts/nuts instead. That is likely the problem, as I had a hell of a time trying to get them tight.

Originally Posted by cody
I was able to prove the obvious with my latest UP leak. I got the front up on jackstands, removed the heat shield and started it when cold. I was able to see condensation leak out of the UP to header joint. I just had to put the hurt on the two nuts securing that joint and it sealed right up after leaking for almost a year. OEM gasket FTW.

But EQ Tuning donated a Grimspeed gasket to me for that joint for next time it starts leaking since I let all 3 of them crash here last night. Should be better than OEM since it's the same, only thicker.

I've also had a leak from driver side manifold to head that was evident from carbon spraying out on the head.
I left the heatshields off, so I'll try this and see if my theory proves to be correct.
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