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Old 2009-04-08, 11:01 AM   #5
The Doink
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Originally Posted by szucchet View Post
my buddy spun a crank bearing at 18k on a stock 06 evo with extended warranty. he took it to allison and they voided his warranty and gave his car back in pieces (crank and pistons sitting in backseat) and a bill for 500 bucks because he had an exeddy clutch that was installed at a shop, "hey said that "the clutch made the motor over rev itself". I personally think that is s**t service but thats just my opinion
How is an EVO with an Exeddy clutch a "stock 06 evo"? Granted, the clutch probably didn't cause the motor to fail, but good luck getting something fixed under the drivetrain warranty if you've started replacing parts of the drivetrain. Especially if the car already needed a clutch at 18k miles, which implies abuse, something Allison is within their rights to use as proof of a legitimate warranty denial.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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