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Old 2009-04-09, 07:56 PM   #32
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by 20psiMR View Post
Loaded question, the tranny on a subaru shares fluid with the front diff.
Which is why (with the exception of Lightweight Shockproof) you should not recommend a GL4 gear oil for it.

Chris, having looked over your Evo briefly at Stead and heard a bit, you seem pretty knowledgeable about them. But please consider that we're right when we say that what you know about Evos doesn't really apply to Subarus. If you go farther than ""turbo 4 cylinder AWD sedan" when describing either one, you have nothing but differences. They really couldn't be more different from a mechanical standpoint, though they arrive at a very similar point in terms of performance. Most of us who chime in on threads like this have passing knowledge of Evos, and what we know tells us that we need to know a lot more to give advice the way we do with the Impreza. Now, I don't want to say that you know nothing about Subarus and should keep your mouth shut- just that if you have such knowledge, it doesn't come from experience with the Evo.

Hopefully, you'll stick around and be one of the limited number of people here who really can dish out the right answers when Evo questions come up.
FWD is the new AWD
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