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Old 2009-04-09, 08:45 PM   #35
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by 20psiMR View Post
You must have misread, because I specifically stated that Castrol Syntorq is GL5. Also, I just looked it up and the regular 75w90 diaqueen is also a GL5, for some reason I was thinking it was GL4. Im in oklahoma so I dont have the jug in front of me. Like I said, an exact match for what SUBARU calls for in the service manual. So I agree I may not know as much about subies as you guys being an evo lover, but I figure subaru knows enough about their own cars to print it in the service manual, but call me crazy.

In evos we use the cocktail of 1 quart heavyweight shockproof and 2 quarts MT90. Im not a big fan to be honest, and that is ONLY for the 5 speed. 6 speed is toast if you throw that in.
Yep, I misread. I blended two posts together and decided you said she should use a GL4. My bad.

And you're right about MT90. I would only use it in low torque 2WDs. Anyway, forgive us for getting on guard. We've seen too many guys who know a lot about Evos, or think they do, come in and start spouting off about how to tune Subarus. Great tuning on a street Evo is pretty much exactly the opposite of what Subys need, especially if one's Evo knowledge comes from old school DSM tuning. So, please forgive us (or at least me!) for jumping to conclusions a bit. We aren't a tech mecca here, so we try extra hard to refute poor advice when it shows up, and sometimes before it actually has.
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