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Old 2009-04-18, 11:34 AM   #3
Kevin M
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Reno
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Car: '93/'01 GF6, mostly red
Class: 19 FP

Myles definitely kicks ass. Given that I always have NA Subies, there's a limit to what he can sell me, but I got my RCE TarmacII coilovers at a super deal thanks to him- and it wasn't even through him. When I called him to order a set, he actually referred me to some poor bastard who had ordered a set for his RS and then crashed it while they were in the mail. Instead of making the kid eat the restocking fee, he got me in touch with him and I got them at a small discount. That's taking care of your customers.
FWD is the new AWD
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