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Old 2009-04-22, 08:08 AM   #110
Candy Mountain
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Real Name: Cody
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Californication
Posts: 7,751
Car: 03 Pussy Wagon, now with more pink!
Class: TESP
OMG Internet!

Here's a list of things that you should bring if possible, but they aren't mandatory.

masking tape
tire pressure gauge (check your tire pressures after every run)
water sprayer (for cooling your IC before runs)
sun screen
wear shoes you can run in
sun hat
drinks in a cooler (though cold water is generally available for free to all)
folding chair

Make sure your oil reads at the high point on the stick too. Oil starvation is bad (not good).

If you run Novice, you can run morning and afternoon or just morning or just afternoon. With modified boost, you'd be in ESP if you want to run a class other than Novice. If you do that, park next to the yellow wagon when you grid and I'll be happy to help you out. Or park far away from me and we can ride in eachother's cars the first one or two runs, provided there are at leat 10 or so cars between us.

There are four run groups per day. There is the 1st run group of the morning, the 2nd of the morning, the 3rd run group in the afternoon and then the 4th in the afternoon. Unless you run Novice or RNP (Run No Points), your run groups are predetermined (see

This weekend the Run Group order will be WBYG on Saturday and GWBY on Sunday. Those letters each represent a color that in turn represents a group of classes. The position of the letter tells you which run group that group of classes runs in for the day. ESP happens to always be in the Green group so I'll be running 4th on Saturday and 1st on Sunday.

If you run 1st, you work 2nd and vice versa. If you run 3rd, you work 4th, and vice versa.

Hope that helps.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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