my vote goes to the new Evo X GSR with SSS, Aero, and Nav.
You can get em for as low as 29k$ plus TTL.
It all highly depends on what you want. If you want to mod it and go fast, the Evo's are the way to go. Even though it's a subie forum.. most subie guys will agree. However, the STi's are much nicer cars all around. The interior doesn't look half bad and the drivetrain is fuking awesome. My point being, there are ups and downs for either car.
I've owned an evo VIII and an M3.. and my bro owns an "STi". All in all, I like the new X best.. but it must have the nav, sss, and aero.. otherwise, my vote goes to the last model of the older body style STi.
The list you put up compare totally different cars. If you want lux, go with BMW, Volvo, Mercedes, maybe even VW..

It all depends on what YOU want.