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Old 2009-05-06, 12:30 PM   #2
The Doink
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Location: Portland, OR
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Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through

There is nothing special about "coilovers" compared to springs. They're exactly the same design, you're just paying for the adjustability. If you don't need adjustability, you don't need coilovers.

The real difference is that many people try to run lower/stiffer springs on struts not designed for them which is where the concept that "coilovers are superior" comes from. A properly matched set of non adjustable shocks and springs will handle just as well as coilovers. Though, they probably won't cost significantly less.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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