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Old 2009-05-06, 02:58 PM   #6
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Originally Posted by WRX06TR View Post
True, but this contradicts Scott's first statement of "If you don't need to adjust them, you don't need coils..."
No, it doesn't. Any moron can throw a spring on a strut and sell it. Any moron can buy springs and struts seperately based on opinions on nasioc, iClub, etc... Heck, most anybody can buy a threaded body damper, screw/weld on some perches and sell a cheap "coilover".

Very few companies that actually know what they are doing take the time and energy required to correctly match springs and dampers to make a well engineered solution. Those that do usually wrap them all up together and sell them as coilovers. There are there exceptions that sell spring/strut combos, sure, but not many.

In either case, you are paying for the engineering, adjustable or not.

If you are looking to upgrade beyond stock, or springs on stock struts, be prepared to pay for the whole package from one reputable manufacturer. Tein and RCE/KW have proven records in the Subaru world for getting it right.

Seņor Cheap Bastard is about bang for your buck, not just cheap for cheap's sake. Kludging together a spring/strut combo or buying cheap coils to save a few bucks is highly likely to bite you in the ass for any number of reasons.
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Last edited by Dean; 2009-05-06 at 03:02 PM.
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