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Old 2009-05-17, 08:45 PM   #23
Kevin M
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
It's not more than that. People like you and others decide to make it more. I agree that there has been a problem with welcoming unfamiliar faces at meets for years. That is something the club can work on. It still isn't enough of an issue to blow everyone off. Unless you make it one.
The supposed cold shoulder simply stems from us old-timers not wanting to come on strong. When everybody's standing around an open hood or just in front of one car or other, just walk over and jump in if you're new. Nobody's going to think a new person is weird or in the wrong for joining a conversation. I do understand that we have a long history and half of what we say is an inside joke, but if you come out to be part of the crowd... be part of the crowd.
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