Originally Posted by Kevin M
The supposed cold shoulder simply stems from us old-timers not wanting to come on strong. When everybody's standing around an open hood or just in front of one car or other, just walk over and jump in if you're new. Nobody's going to think a new person is weird or in the wrong for joining a conversation. I do understand that we have a long history and half of what we say is an inside joke, but if you come out to be part of the crowd... be part of the crowd.
you say that like its easy for new people to come in. ya if most of what you are saying is an inside joke, then the new people will feel uncomfortable and shy away. all the older seccs guys have their comfort level with each other, and for a new dude or chick to come in and try and jump in on a convo is not going to happen. things dont work that way. a new person feels warm and welcome, when the older members walk up to them and intoduce themselves first. thats how it should be. so there is no supposed cold shoulder, there IS one. not everyone has all the experience you guys do, or the knowledge or maybe they do and when they get ganged up on forums or real life, they will shy away and be like Jon, and the rest of us who share that point of view.