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Old 2004-03-02, 07:50 PM   #1
El Matador
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Default New weekly Meet location?

Hey all...I have some news, but your opinions are needed..

We all know how crowded the Tide has been getting lately during our thursday night meets., both inside and in the parking lot.

Question...DO we want to move the meet location?
I found a potentially great new location for the meet, and also spoke to the manager about weekely meets of our size.

Location : Bully's Meadowood., This is the new Bullys Sports Bar and Grill located on the west side of Meadowood Mall in Reno

The manager seems very willing to reserve us some space each week, give us access to VCR and DVD and TV's. plenty of space to ourselves, and, best of all, lots of good parking.

So, Do we want to move? If so, should we try it this week March 4th, Thursday? Or wait a week.

I personally think we will have no problem getting it switched over , and having some more room would be great. So please vote and/or voice your opinion. I would like to give the manager a call to let him know yes or no.
"Dallas..We have a problem.”
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