Thread: Recipes
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Old 2009-07-02, 10:01 AM   #4
The Doink
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Scott's Ass-Kicking Chili (pretty much the only recipe I've ever made up myself):

1 pound ground beef or ground turkey
1 medium size red or white onion (diced)
1 medium size red bell pepper (diced)
1 can condensed tomato soup
1 can stewed chopped tomatoes
1 small can tomato paste
1 large can kidney or garbanzo beans (drained)
2 tbs brown sugar
1/4 cup ketchup
*1 tsp to 1 tbs chili powder
*1 tsp to 1 tbs cayenne powder
*1 tsp dried red chili pepper flakes
*1 habanero pepper (chopped)

*vary these ingredients based on how spicy you want it

In a large pan, caramelize the diced onions in olive oil. Add chili powder, cayenne powder, ~2 tbs of water, and the ground meat. Cover on high temp until meat is cooked and infused w/ the spices.

Meanwhile, in a large pot, combine the bell pepper, tomato soup, tomatoes, tomato paste, beans, brown sugar, ketchup, and peppers (i.e. everything else). I also usually add in some other "italian seasoning" (oregano, parsley, rosemary, etc) at this point as well. Heat on high until it starts boiling, then stir and reduce to a simmer.

Once meat in the pan is cooked, remove cover and let the water cook off. Allow meat to brown, then add contents of pan to the pot. Stir the chili and add water until it's no longer too thick. Let simmer for at least 30 minutes, but the longer, the better.

Serve in bowls w/ topping of shredded cheddar cheese or sour cream. Goes great with tortilla chips or grilled cheese sandwiches. Makes enough for 4 people (or more if you've got sandwiches).

I suspect this can be slow cooked in a crock pot as well, but I've never tried it.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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