Originally Posted by 20psiMR
I heard the blue turns to straight GOOP if you overheat it, so be real careful with that. Had a friend that took 3 flushes to get all that crap out of the system, so I stay well away from it.
Where? I have never had it turn to goop, it just doesn't hold it's dry point as well as the gold is the story I believe from Stoptech. How can it take more than one flush if done right? A flush implies you run enough through to remove all the old. This takes far more than the capacity of the system and many bleeds per wheel regardless of what the previous fluid was. The blue color just tells you when you are done. Flushing from one yellow fluid to another how do you know when you are done?
Originally Posted by 20psiMR
Also dont forget Castrol SRF, it is THE BEST hands down fluid you can buy. At $75 a liter though, it frickin better be. Thats what all the race teams use though, so if you wanna be baller status, have at it lol.
No, it isn't, and probably far more race teams don't use it than do. Other DOT 4/5.1 fluids have higher dry boiling points, and race teams change fluid often enough that the wet boiling point is meaningless which is where SRF excels. SRF should not be mixed with other fluids and if you choose to use it, it is recommended that the brake system to be dismantled and/or cleaned/flushed with alcohol or something. Dismantling is probably cheaper than flushing with enough SRF to purge the intermediate alcohol. Some would suggest that seals should be replaced as well. And while it is not a pure silicone based DOT 5 fluid, it does share one of the downsides of being more compressible.