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Old 2009-09-15, 08:15 PM   #318
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: 39n53, 119w90
Posts: 2,698
Car: RX-8
Class: CS maybe

Thanks Everyone!!

It was hard to have to wait it out until the very last run in the class on day 2 before the results were set. I could've given myself a concussion were it not for my helment, since I had such a bad last run and was smacking myself in the head driving back to grid.

Didn't drive to my potential, though none of us did. The other 2 contenders (Gretchen and Katie) could just as well have won it; I got lucky.

Won 4 Hoosiers, Mazda money, miscellaneous goodies, and most importantly - The Jacket!!!

I hope that those of you who want to, get a chance to go to Nationals at Lincoln NE someday. Great site, decent town, and autox and racing culture to the max.
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