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Old 2004-03-09, 11:50 AM   #2
The Doink
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Default Re: Friend wants to up the hp in his subaru

Originally Posted by zrallyman
My friend has a 2000 outback 2.5L. He would like a little more power out of it but keep it daily drivable. He dosen't want it breaking down or needing major tweaks. So, something like a chip. Also what kind of gas milage changes might he see? Power gains? and cost?
Well, I don't have a N/A 2.5, so I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about, but I would guess that "chipping" the car, i.e. an ECU reflash or a piggyback won't really gain much without other mods. However, the 2.5L motor responds well to intake and exhaust mods. If your friend can stand the louder noise, a cold air intake and header or cat-back exhaust should boost the output and "fun" factor quite a bit, w/o costing too much or losing driveability, unless you consider a louder exhaust undriveable.

Hey RS guys, chime in here!
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