Originally Posted by Dean
Fuel & Pit Stops:
WTF? I can't believe all the issues with fueling this year, and worse, F1's response for next year. Did I hear correctly, no refueling next year at all.
Why can't they simply make an interlock so the car can't move with the fuel hose attached? Why the best engineering in the world can't figure out how to get fuel into the car reliably just blows my mind as well. And sending a car without the amount of fuel they wanted back out also makes no sense.
Am I missing something? I know it is all about minimizing time in the pits, but something is basically wrong with F1 pitting with all the issues this year with fuel and wheels that goes well beyond human error. or maybe it is all about human error and lack of technical control of the pit stop?
You would think there would be a better solution than just eliminating fueling.
Fueling is being eliminated for competition and cost reasons, not safety. The goal is to force teams to make cars more fuel efficient because if you can finish the race on 10 less gallons, that's 10 less gallons of fuel weight you have to carry. Basically it's exactly what we've all been talking about being a good idea for F1 to be greener.
And this isn't without precedent, it was what, 3 years ago they didn't allow tire changes? And in previous seasons in the past they've gone the no refueling route, IIRC.
As far as the refueling rigs. They're pressurized setups designed for military helicopters. All the teams are mandated to use the same setup from one manufacturer. My guess is if the teams were designing the rigs, they'd deliver the fuel about 10 times faster, and would kill the whole crew if there was a failure.
I think all the pit errors lately are due to the very tight competition on track. When the whole field qualifies within half a second of the leader, passing in the pits becomes more and more the only way to make up positions. Put more pressure on the pit crews and you get more mistakes.