Originally Posted by sperry
Well I guess in the future I'll refrain from asking you legitimate questions. I thought "'06 WRX's have side-feed '04 STi injectors?" was a pretty straightforward thing to ask when someone states the '06 WRX has "the same" injectors as an '04 STi and I was pretty sure that no WRX's ever had side-feeds. Sure I was wrong about the sizes, but the point I was making about needing tuning was still correct.
If you want to start pointing out misinformation, you can start with your post in the thread:
...because you would in fact need to change the tune for the different injector latencies between the '06 WRX and '04 STi injectors, even though they're both rated for similar flow (if you consider 535 the same as 560). So really, the "similarity" of the injectors makes nothing much easier since the latencies will have to be updated and the flows scaled.
So then... for reference:
All WRXs have top-feed injectors.
'02 to '05 are 420cc top-feeds, latencies: 2.79, 1.49, 0.98, 0.68, 0.38 (in Cobb AP voltage order)
'06+ are 560cc top-feeds, latencies: 4.70, 2.65, 1.73, 1.20, 0.99
Some STi's have side-feeds, some have top-feeds:
'04-'06 STi are 535cc side-feeds, latencies: 7.66, 2.69, 1.37, 1.05, 0.75
'07+ STi are 560cc top-feeds, (which I'm assuming are the same as the '06+ WRX injectors)
So, when attempting to swap an '06 WRX motor into an '04 STi, you're going to need to re-tune the ECU for the injectors, even if you re-use the STi's turbo and intercooler.