Thread: RFR Closing?
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Old 2009-11-10, 04:25 PM   #17
The Doink
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Originally Posted by Libila View Post
It's sad to hear that RFR is having this much trouble after such a short life. I've never been there since it opened after I left Reno but could someone tell me what the infield surface is like?

If it's not terribly rough maybe RFR could host some Rallyx events or Rally Sprints. A grader and water truck is all that's needed to make a course and they can be rented. The Northern California guys over at Dirty Impreza have been looking for new venues for a while now as some of theirs are getting closed down. Maybe RFR can help them out while getting help themselves.
Years and years ago, MattR and I talked to RFR about hosting Rally-x. They've actually got an old motocross course that they offered to let us use, but it was going to need hours and hours of going over by hand to remove stones. All the dirt out there is extremely rocky, and the grading they can do doesn't cut down the rocks enough to make it rally-able... it takes hand picking of the rocks.

But with the track shutting down, I doubt there's anything they'll be able to do for you even if you got 15 people together for a weekend to pick rocks, since they'll probably be canceling their insurance rider to save money. No insurance, no racing.
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