You guys are missing the point. We like the cause, and there's no club "beef" or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
Straight up, SECCS can and will not be associated in name with any club that condones or advocates street racing. It goes against everything this club stands for. It's not who we associate with, it's who associates *behavior* with us based on past law enforcement. We're (for the most part) a bunch of old farts who don't want SECCS synonymous with the "tooner" scene and keep a low profile for that reason.
The more attention the toy drive gets, the stronger the association is with the clubs involved, so we're at cross-purposes; we don't want the clubs to be interchangeable, as they each have their own identities and should stay that way. I'm sure people here will donate, they're just not wanting to be an official part of the publicity or drives/rallies around it. Make sense?
Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic.