Originally Posted by cody
However, I high centered on the stuff trying to get into the parking lot where Amanda works. Her boss was nice enough to go home and grab a tow rope to get me out though. Super nice of him.
Go pick one up at HF. I carry one in all my winter cars. The most fun is pulling SUVs out with the Audi.
I was out driving around most of the day/evening and it is starting to ice up bad now...
I almost had a Jeep for dessert taking a friend home after dinner. It was a two idiot and at least 3 snow donkey incident. Rocket scientist in a truck pulling a bob cat on a trailer was parked/stuck diagonal blocking 2.5 of a 4 lane curve on a hill, on
I stop because I see a jeep coming down the hill with the clear 1.5 lanes on his side. Well, this douche isn't paying attention and rather than just driving past he locks up all 4 and starts sliding. first towards the parked truck, then the curb and then towards me and then fortunately towards the curb again which he hits at a 45 degree angle, now blocking the remaining 1.5 lanes. Takes him 4-5 tries to back up and get off the curb and then guns it towards me again. by now he is past the parked truck far enough that I hit the gas headed for the truck and turn right around the dufus and proceed easily up the hill.
All this idiot had to do was keep driving the damn jeep and stay off the brakes.
And I continue to be amazed by people in 2+ ton vehicles doing 50MPH on snow and ice. I'm in a lighter, lower CG, snow tired, torsion AWD car with all sorts of performance driving experience and I'm only comfortable doing 25(+5 to -15)
I can't decide who is dumber, them or the ones that can't figure out why 2 wheel drive cars on bald summer tires can't go straight much less up hills without chains and abandon cars anywhere they want rather than backing them into a curb, ditch or anywhere but the middle of the road. While there were probably a hundred honorable mentions, the winner was the one parked in the freeway on ramp lane of Northbound keystone just north of 5th st. by 10 ft. back up those 10 feet and then turn left/around/whatever.
I did practice Scandinavian flicks a few times today. Getting better at them, but still need a lot of work.