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Old 2009-12-09, 09:19 AM   #6
The Doink
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV View Post
I wouldn't specifically agree with that one Kev. Not all of the people who go to Bully's are there to eat, and thus, although they haven't lost the smoking+eating customers to another restaurant, they have lost the have-a-beer-and-smoke-while-watching-the-game customers, such as myself, and others I know.

Although I can assure that specific number of people weren't likely enough to bankrupt the joint, couldn't have helped losing them. "Smokin' Bully's" = The Suck.
The real fail w/ the "Smokin Bully's" isn't just that the smoking lounges suck, it's that they suck *and* they cost Bully's a crapload of money to build.

Expend a bunch of capital to build something that sucks just as the economy takes a crap = Chapter 11.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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