Originally Posted by sperry
...seeing nothing on that gauge is good, just not a sign that there's no crank pressure.
**********I was looking for blowby causing possible increase in crankcase pressure, but I see your point if the valve breathers are providing a path.
...you would expect a little extra oil burning w/ the forged pistons, especially on cold startup (are you hearing any piston slap?), but probably not enough to account for your issue.
**********A bit of slap, but this basically goes away with warmup.
You might be on the right track regarding the oil weight. I only ran 15w50 when I had a built motor that I was racing in high-temp/high-altitude conditions. I wouldn't run it on the street, I'd stick w/ a good 5w30 recommended by Subaru...
**********I'm going to try a 5 or 10W-30 dino and see what I get.
As far as oil in the turbo... what sort of turbo do you have, and how many miles are on it? Is there oil in your intercooler? Do you have a catch can? Is it filling up?
**********Stock turbo for the '05 STi. About 5k mi on it; previous owner had it replaced. No prior issues. No oil in the IC. I have two catch cans; not filling up.
... If the oil is getting into the exhaust via the hot side of the turbo, I'd expect to see oil smoke.
Thanks for your reply.
I don't see smoke, but possibly at sustained 3000+ RPM I might not be noticing some smoke if it is happening.???