Originally Posted by cody
Have you guys seen when the "amber alert" signs on the freeway say, "Report unsafe driving. Dial *NHP"? Does that really work on all cell phones?
This thread is full of win BTW.
I'm usually the douchbag on your ass when your going the speed limit in the fast lane of a 4 lane freeway. I need a windshield banner that says, "Hey Ass Face, Slower Traffic Keep Right!".
This looks like fun: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/ele...d138/?cpg=125H
Back in college, there was a guy I'd see on a regular basis driving 101 between SLO and the Bay Area in a 3rd gen MR2 with ">>>>>> SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT >>>>>>" in backwards letters as a windshield banner.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?