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Old 2010-03-19, 08:32 PM   #3
The Doink
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Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
Great news! I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but my girlfriend got into a bad rollover accident in September by UNR. Well, she's finally about to get the settlement, and she is thinking about getting a car. Naturally, I convinced her to get an STi or WRX. She just started looking, and stumbled upon what I think is quite a find. What do you guys think?

Also, any input for the situation in general is also welcomed. She's thinking about spending around $20k for a car. I'd prefer to find one that isn't modded, but I also think that the STi is strong enough to take a little punishment from someone driving the piss out of it every once in a while.

I'd prefer an '05 STi. I like the body style the most (as does she), and i like that everything is "better" than the '04, from what I've heard. She's also looking at newer WRXs.
Personally for $20k, I'd go with something a little more "upscale". The STi is a great car, but really more so for the autocrosser/track hound type. I don't know your GF, but most GF's end up liking something slower but nicer.

What's a used '08 WRX going for these days? Are they under $20k yet? Or maybe an '05 Legacy GT... just about as fast as the STi, but a ton nicer in both amenities, and usefulness... plus the insurance will be a bunch cheaper than the STi.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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